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Metropolia UAS

Game engines in mobile robotics simulation in harsh environment – Case Oinride

Last year, Oinride Oy took part in Big-Flash project, at Metropolia UAS, where specialists and students made a prototype of a mobile robot for the harsh mining conditions and was tested at Tytyri Mine. Read more -> https://bigflash.metropolia.fi/70-oinride-oy/ 

This year we will make further improvements to the robot based on last year’s findings. The goal is to develop a “guidance system” for the robot, both remotely and autonomously. Here’s a Unity-simulation of an early concept work made by the students and a few photos from the consultation workshop with Aalto university and Mika Vainio from GIM Robotics. Stay tuned for developments! 

Oinride develops remotely controlled mobile robotics for demanding environments.